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OK,Deal! Travel Blog -- Xin'an River Cruise Tour 6th-8th 2014

By:Marta | OKdeal travel

HAPPY FULLMOON FESTIVAL everybody!! Leaving behind the sadness of the end of Summer, it was the perfect timing for this great adventure on Full Moon holiday festival. With Shanghai and its pollution behind us we drove on a 3 day trip to the middle of the mountains, just us and the nature for 3 full days and a lot of funny activities to keep us busy! From a river cruise, hiking in a mountain with waterfalls, visiting the caves, a tour in a famous village, bonfire parties at night, we did it all! Let me guide you on this trip!

First let me introduce you the crew! Josie, William and Ella made the possible and the impossible to make us all feel very comfortable, safe and most important of all, have a lot of FUN! 'Mr Driver' that for sure has another name, knew the area as the palms of his hands and made sure to keep a smile during the whole time! And of course, me...Marta, living in Shanghai for almost 2 years, joining this project on the weekends, for the travelling experience , the chance of meeting great people and the huge amount of fun!!

The Crew


We arrived around lunch time, had lunch and after that took a boat along the river, surrounded by vibrant green mountains, filled with waterfalls...and a lot of mosquitos! Don't worry, if I'm in the trip I'm usually the only one to get bitten, you know...I'm a very sweet person...ah ah at least that's what my grandma says! After the boat cruise we did some hiking under a very hot sun, enjoying the mountain, waterfalls and temples. Later that night we had dinner in the hotel and a bonfire party to mingle and get to know each other!


Another sunny day! This time we started hiking in the morning till the Lingxi caves. This is a very interesting area in China, it seems like the mountains are all perforated, and the water flows inside in some canals, so it's possible to take a boat and explore this underground world full of vibrant colours. After the cave we continued hiking until a point where we could take this kind of mini roller coaster...made in China mini roller was something special...! Ah ah After lunch, the ones in the mood went to hot springs and waterpark to refresh a bit after all the exercise! In the evening we had again another party! Besides the fire, the music, drinks and snacks, this time we also had really good chinese tea, lucky us, had a tea teacher on the trip!


We left the hotel in the morning to the Xinye village! This was a very interesting village situated in the middle of the mountains, surrounded by a very green landscape, which under the shining sun looked even more beautiful! We had a guided tour through the most famous monuments in the village, that is already famous by itself! From what we were told, famous people from a TV show together with their kids use to play a very known game through the old scenery of the small roads, old traditional houses and big lakes of the village! Trying to get into the culture, we found this 10 kuai chinese hats that provided all the funny moments in the morning! The best 10 kuai spent ever!!! We had lunch in the village and after that we had some time to buy some of the traditional products sold on the street.

You cannot travel the path until you become the path yourself.

This is already my 7th trip with Ok deal, and I have to say that it's getting better and better. Besides the incredible sceneries and landscape, its amazing having the chance of knowing so many and different people and listen to all that they have to tell. It was amazing getting to know all of you (40 people this time!!)

Thanks everybody, hope to see you soon! 谢谢! Take a look at my website for more pictures and travel experiences! =) Facebook

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