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Travel Blog | Shimen Canyon - Hiking and Waterfalls

Article by Marta Pinheiro


Who joint Okdeal Shimen Canyon Trip in 19-21’September’2013

I never thought I could find such a peaceful place so near Shanghai! It makes you forget about the busy city while you breathe the fresh air and look at the blue sky! We had a great time!

Let the trip begin! ;)

We left the busy Shanghai and took a bus for around 5h to the mountain. After getting ready, filling our stomachs with Chinese food, we were prepared to hike! (Or at least we thought we were...!) On the way we saw everything, from an art teacher painting a huge drawing of the mountain, to funny bugs and extreme sports! After that we took the bus to the (4 star!) hotel, explored the area and got ready for BBQ by the pool!

Nutella made my day! After eating much more than I could take, me and my friend went for a run in the 

mountain! I felt so free! After 1h30 we still had time to catch up with the guys by the pool, who were still 

waiting for the water to pass the knee limit!

After lunch in the hotel, we were ready for more hiking and waterfalls!...and also some fun with traditional symbols and locals...!

At night, with 5L of homemade Baijiu, we found ourselves in a chinese KTV party in the only KTV room in the mountain and later...swimming in the hotwater swimming pool!!

On our way back to Shanghai, we stopped at Heqiao village, not so old as we expected but enough for some cool pics and making friends with chinese 7 year old that I believe had never seen a camera or a foreigner before. Their curiosity and kindness was amazing by sharing with us their candy after we let them play with our cameras! A bag of traditional Shimen nuts after, we got back to Shanghai.

It was a great holiday!

Thanks everybody, hope to see you soon!


Thank you !

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-- Marta Pinheiro


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